History - The Hall.
The Church Hall is vested to the care of the incumbent and the two church wardens of St Hilda's Church. There are three areas, the Main Hall which has a stage, the Gun Room (so called because of the church's link with the armed forces and in particuar the 1st World War when the area beneath the stage was used as a shooting range) and upstairs offices.
The main hall is perceived by the community as being central to community life. It is the largest hall in the area and the only one to have a stage. It can hold 250 people seated or 150 if seated at tables.
The fabric of the hall was poor and much investment was needed to bring it up to the 21st century standard, in particular the toilets and the kitchen. Therefore in 2006 the Church Hall committee started the process of applying for grants in order to refurbish and redevelop the hall.
As part of mission action planning (every parish in the Diocese has been asked to produce a MAP) and the idenification of our goals for the next five years, consultation took place on whether to keep the hall or remove it and use the land. The overwelming response from the consultation with both users of the hall and the local community was that they wanted the hall to remain but with improvements. The next stage therefore in the process was to work towards obtaing grants etc. to improve the hall and hopefully then begin to provide modern facilities for the local and wider community. In 2011 we were successful in obtaining £329,000 from the big lottery and £300,000 from the Welsh assembly Govenment CFAP Grants. The selected contractor for the work (A P Waters) commenced the refurbishment of the hall in August 2012, and work was completed in May 2013.